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My Valentine!

Brad & Yvonne Adams

Valentine’s Day! A time of people expressing their love for each other, and of romance. Familiar offerings of Valentine’s cards, chocolates, flowers and more make up some of the traditional aspects of the day. All around the world the focus on this holiday is definitely about “LOVE”!

Love means different things to people. Ask what does love mean to a group of individuals and you will get as many different responses. And, the thing is, none of them would be really wrong. Why? Because that is the love, or kind of love, that has important value to them. After all, when it comes to love, it is so huge that it is impossible to fully define into words. And no one can fully contain all that there is that love offers. This is why we continue to try in words and deeds to express love. To share love. And to give love. Love is never ending!

What Love Is And Is Not:

We find a good description of what love is, or should be, and what it is not in a famous portion of Scripture often read at weddings. It states,

“Love suffers long (meaning incredibly patient), and is kind. Love envies not (is not jealous); love vaunts not itself (is not boastful), is not puffed up (arrogant). Does not behave itself unseemly (not rude, unbecoming or act improperly). Seeks not its own (selfish or self-serving), is not easily provoked. Thinks no evil. Rejoices not in iniquity (doesn’t rejoice or delight in injustice or wrongdoing), but rejoices in the truth. Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” 1Corinthians 13:4-8

That’s some good stuff. Right to the point. Basically, the more we remove our own selfish self from the equation, the more that we will see real love shine through.

Love is about commitment. Love is about choice. Love is about sacrifice. Love is about hope. Love gives strength & courage. Love offers shelter. It ushers in peace. Love is joy. Love is so many things and it does so many things. Love is for everyone, everywhere.

Don’t just go through the motions on this Valentine’s Day doing what you think you are expected to do in buying the flowers, or getting the card. Surely do these things as you feel led, but also be a little creative this time round. Throw in a little of your own touch. It doesn’t have to be much. Doing so will demonstrate that he, or she, means enough to you to invest a bit more time, thought and energy to show you care. Trust me, that will say volumes!

If you need some inspiration or ideas, simply google ideas for Valentine’s Day. Do a little research. Check around your local area for some Valentine’s activities. Or, create your own “Just The Two Of Us” for a stay-at- home Valentine’s edition. You don’t have to think big budget. Often it is the simple, small, thoughtful things that add a nice, personal touch. Now I say this as a general statement. There are always exceptions and only you know if this is your case. No matter what, the bottom line is to be open, sincere, honest…. and be yourself!

Let the one you love know that they are “the sunshine of your life!”


Until next time, we wish you LOVE, JOY & PEACE!


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